Rumi’s beautiful poem, The Guest House, invites us to embrace all comers in our inner world, to welcome our emotions as the messages they are. Here’s a meditation on Doubt that I wrote back in 2012, in this same spirit of welcome.
Wishing you a weekend filled with love, in all its forms.
Doubt curls up, a fiery, gnarled ball in the pit of my stomach
Fear, anxiety, my emotions flash with intensity
And all at once I am like a small child
Clamouring for comfort and reassurance
Rushing to restore my sense of reason
But what is doubt?
Doubt tells me I care
No, doubt shows me I love
Doubt points the way to insight
Doubt enables understanding
Doubt brings startling clarity about what really matters most
And so I learn to make space
To embrace willingly the discomfort of wondering
if I am wanted
The pain of fearing I may not be enough
And as I do, doubt dissolves into serenity
Acceptance fills my heart
And I go deeper, further.
I move beyond
And I know, beyond its dark shadow
that doubt itself is love
(Fe Robinson, 2012)
