I've had an interesting few weeks being reminded of how inter-dependent people are. I moved house. Depending on your previous moving experiences my words may evoke a sense of excitement, of fun, of sadness, of loss, of stress, of fear...and probably a combination of several feelings, because moving is a protracted and complicated process.
The stream of people I have called on - plumber, electrician, plasterer, removals company, architect, cat accommodation, and the array of people who needed contacting to give updated details too, were a reminder of how many people we interact with, all of whom add things to our existence. All of this even before I think about those close to me who have offered emotional support, and practical help where covid restrictions allow.
Oftentimes when things are tough, or we are at a low ebb, we feel alone and isolated. Perhaps one uplifting thing to do in this situation, as one aspect of a package of measures to support yourself, is to spend some time reflecting on all the different people you come into contact with. If you look beyond the obvious to notice all the lives you touch, even fleetingly, it can change perspective quite significantly. What if we were each to consider how we can make every interacting one that enhances the day of the person we are connecting with? What if we smile, or stop and say hello for a moment? What if we say thank you, or draw attention to something beautiful or uplifting?
I am feeling really thankful today there are so many people out there with skills I don’t have that I can call on. I hope that as people call on me they make half the difference these guys have made to my days in recent weeks. That would be quite something.
