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Care Day 2021

Fe Robinson

Care Day, the world’s biggest celebration of children and young people with care experience, is happening today.

Care Day 2021 is an opportunity to celebrate the rights of care experienced children and young people and is a joint initiative between five children’s rights charities across the U.K. and Ireland, under the 5 Nations 1 Voice alliance. Become in England, EPIC in Ireland, VOYPIC in Northern Ireland, Voices from Care in Wales and Who Cares? Scotland. The alliance wants a world where the childhoods of these children and young people allow them to thrive and achieve their dreams so that they go onto have a future that is fulfilled, and they are proud of.

Those who care for and support these children and young people are also asked to celebrate. Today is an opportunity to reflect on how care experienced people can feel different to others and why. So, if you are care experienced, support those who are, or even just know and love dear friends with experience of care, pause today to remember and celebrate all the remarkable people affected and involved. Reach out and let others know you are thinking of them.


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