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Your Epiphany in 2021

Fe Robinson

Today marks the Christian Festival of Epiphany. The Twelve Days of Christmas are over, and today Christians commemorate the visit of the Magi, or Three Kings to baby Jesus. Often celebrated with pastries, or small gifts, for Christians this is a day of celebration of the birth of Jesus, and of his baptism too. In some parts of the world water is used to bless houses, reflecting the baptism of Jesus.

The word epiphany means appearance or manifestation. Here, at the beginning of the year, it is perhaps an occasion on which to reflect on what it is we each want to manifest and bring to being in the year ahead.

I’m not a fan of setting really specific goals, particularly not in an environment as changeable as the one that we currently exist in. I do however, sense it’s helpful and healthy to have clear intentions, to be clear about the directions in which we want to move, and to check our actions are congruent with bringing these intentions to pass.

So, ask yourself:

- what do you want to have happen in 2021

- what would you most like to be different at the end of the year?

- what impact do you want to have this year, on your own life, on the lives of those around you, and on the world you inhabit?

- what can you do this week, and this month, to breathe life into these intentions?


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